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Muscle Toning for the Young at Heart

From Zumba.com:

"It's the dance-fitness party that moves at your pace - and more! Shake and sculpt your way to a healthy body for an active lifestyle. gold_lady

Whether you're an active adult or just starting your fitness journey - the Zumba® Gold-Toning Program combines the enticing international rhythms of a slower-paced Zumba® Gold dance-fitness class with the sculpting moves of a Zumba® Toning class, creating an easy-to-follow, health-boosting dance-fitness program anyone can enjoy!"

This class is also very suitable for the new participant to Zumba® who would like to start out in a low impact class with the added Zumba® toning sticks for a little extra fun.

Click here to register for a session.

Click here for schedule.